📄️ Grades of Students
📄️ Multiple Inheritance
📄️ Object and Class
Write a program that demonstrates the creation of objects from a class, and shows how to access and modify the attributes and methods of the objects
📄️ Tkinter button and label
Create a simple GUI using the Tkinter library in Python that displays a button and a label
📄️ Simple GUI using Tkinter
Write a Python program that uses the Tkinter library to create a window with a title.
📄️ Divide by Zero
Implement a try-except block in Python that handles a specific exception, such as a ZeroDivisionError.
📄️ Append content to file
Implement a try-except block in Python that handles a specific exception, such as a ZeroDivisionError.
📄️ Copy file content
Copy the content of one file to another file.
📄️ Sum and Average
Calculate sum and average of list
📄️ pandas dataframe
Write a Python script that uses the Pandas library to create a DataFrame from a given dictionary and display the resulting DataFrame
📄️ pallindrome string
Implement a Python function that checks if a given string is a palindrome
📄️ Constructors
Demonstrate the use of constructors and the __init__ method in a Python class
📄️ Pattern 1
Create the following pattern using Python
📄️ Pattern 2
Create the following pattern using Python
📄️ Plotting a graph
Write a Python script that uses the Matplotlib library to create a simple line plot.
📄️ String operations
Implement a Python program that demonstrates 5 different string operations, such as concatenation, slicing, conversion, etc
📄️ function overloading
Demonstrate the concept of function overloading in Python, where a function can have multiple definitions with different parameters.
📄️ function overriding
Implement function overriding in Python, where a child class provides its own implementation of a method that is already defined in the parent class.
📄️ function overriding
Implement function overriding in Python, where a child class provides its own implementation of a method that is already defined in the parent class.
📄️ factorial of a number
Implement a Python function that calculates the factorial of a given number.
📄️ Prime numbers between 1 and 100
Write a Python program that prints all the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
📄️ Search in List
Create a Python program that searches for a specific element in a given list and returns its index (or -1 if the element is not found).
📄️ Cricket dictionary
Develop a Python program that creates a dictionary to store information about a cricket player, such as name, runs scored. Display the information stored in the dictionary
📄️ Overload Area
Write a program to calculate area of circle, rectangle and square using function overloading
📄️ Even or odd
Write a program to check if a number is even or odd.