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Cricket Dictionary

Title: WAP to create dictionary to store cricket player names and their scores. The program should be able to retrieve the runs by entering player name.

# WAP to create dictionary to store cricket player names and their scores. The program should be able to retrieve the runs by entering player name.

cricket_dict = {}

n = int(input("Enter the number of players: "))
for i in range(0, n):
name = input("Enter player name: ")
score = int(input("Enter player score: "))
cricket_dict[name] = score

print("The dictionary is: ", cricket_dict)

search = input("Enter the player name to be searched: ")
if search in cricket_dict:
print("The score of", search, "is", cricket_dict[search])
print("Player not found")

# Output:
# Enter the number of players: 3
# Enter player name: Sachin
# Enter player score: 100
# Enter player name: Dhoni
# Enter player score: 50
# Enter player name: Kohli
# Enter player score: 75
# The dictionary is: {'Sachin': 100, 'Dhoni': 50, 'Kohli': 75}
# Enter the player name to be searched: Dhoni
# The score of Dhoni is 50